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About GitHub Copilot Business

With GitHub Copilot Business you can manage access to GitHub Copilot for your organization.

GitHub Copilot 可以通过具有 GitHub Copilot Individual 的个人帐户或通过具有 GitHub Copilot Business 的组织帐户进行管理。

About GitHub Copilot Business

GitHub Copilot 是一款 AI 驱动的代码助手,可帮助开发人员更快地编写代码。 GitHub Copilot 可通过具有 GitHub Copilot Individual 的 GitHub 个人帐户获取,也可通过具有 GitHub Copilot Business 的组织帐户获取。

With Copilot Business, you can manage access to GitHub Copilot for organizations. Once you grant an organization access to GitHub Copilot, the administrators of that organization can grant access to individuals and teams. For more information, see "Managing Copilot Business."

GitHub Copilot 在 Visual Studio Code、Visual Studio、Vim、Neovim、IDE 的 JetBrains 套件和 Azure Data Studio 中作为扩展提供。 有关在 Visual Studio Code、Visual Studio、Vim、Neovim 和 JetBrains 中使用 GitHub Copilot 的详细信息,请参阅“开始使用 GitHub Copilot”。 有关在 Azure Data Studio 中使用 GitHub Copilot 的详细信息,请参阅 Microsoft Learn 中的 GitHub Copilot 扩展

注意:Copilot Business 不保留任何提示或建议。

Understanding the differences between Copilot Business and Copilot Individual

Copilot IndividualCopilot Business
定价每月 10 美元
每年 100 美元
每用户每月 19 美元
GitHub 帐户类型个人帐户组织或企业帐户
通过自定义证书提供的 HTTP 代理支持

有关通过自定义证书提供的代理支持的详细信息,请参阅“为 GitHub Copilot 配置网络设置”。

Enabling and setting up Copilot Business

To use Copilot Business, you need to set up a subscription for your organization account. For more information, see "为组织管理 GitHub Copilot 订阅."

After setting up a subscription, you can enable GitHub Copilot for organizations. For more information, see "Enabling and setting up GitHub Copilot Business."

About billing for Copilot Business

Copilot Business subscriptions are billed monthly, based on the number of GitHub Copilot seats assigned to users within your organization. For more information, see "关于 GitHub Copilot 的计费."

Requesting or granting access to GitHub Copilot Business

Organization members can request access to GitHub Copilot Business from their organization's owners.

Submitting a request for GitHub Copilot Business

As a member of an organization, you can request access to GitHub Copilot Business from your organization's owners. This can be done in a couple of different ways:

Managing requests for GitHub Copilot Business

As an owner of an organization, you can manage requests for GitHub Copilot Business from your organization's settings. Additionally, GitHub sends you a weekly email with a summary of all pending requests.

  1. 在 的右上角,选择个人资料照片,然后单击 “你的组织”****。

    @octocat 的个人资料图片下的下拉菜单的屏幕截图。 “你的组织”以深橙色标出。

  2. 在“组织”下的组织名称旁,单击“设置”。

  3. In the "Access" section of the sidebar, click Requests from members.

  4. To accept the request and grant the member access to GitHub Copilot Business, click Buy Copilot Business.

All requests for GitHub Copilot Business are grouped together under "Copilot Business."

About privacy for GitHub Copilot Business

You have the ability to manage and make choices regarding the collection, retention, and processing of your data, allowing you to maintain control over your privacy while using GitHub Copilot Business.

What data does GitHub Copilot Business collect?

GitHub Copilot Business utilizes data from file content and additional sources to enhance its functionality. This data collection process is aimed at improving the service and involves the gathering and analysis of certain information.


使用 GitHub Copilot 时,它会收集有关你与 IDE 或编辑器交互的信息。 包括接受或忽略建议等操作,以及常规使用情况数据和错误信息。 收集此数据的目的是度量延迟和功能参与度等指标。 其中一些信息可能包括个人数据,但存储过程中不会直接识别你的身份。


提示是指在处理文件时暂停键入或打开 GitHub Copilot 窗格时 GitHub Copilot 扩展发送的上下文信息。 These Prompts are only sent in real time. GitHub Copilot Business does not retain Prompts.


接收并处理提示后,AI 模型将生成一行或多行建议文本(称为“建议”)。 然后,这些建议将传输回 GitHub Copilot 扩展。 Suggestions are only sent in real-time. GitHub Copilot Business does not retain Suggestions.

How is the data in GitHub Copilot Business used and shared?

User Engagement Data is used by GitHub and Microsoft to provide the service and to enable improvements.

  • Evaluating GitHub Copilot: The impact of GitHub Copilot on users is assessed by measuring its positive effects and benefits.
  • Fine-tuning ranking and sorting algorithms: The data helps in the optimization and improvement of algorithms used for ranking and sorting suggestions, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Detecting abuse and policy violations: The data is examined to investigate and identify any potential misuse or violation of the Acceptable Use Policies associated with GitHub Copilot.
  • Conducting experiments and research: The data is used for conducting experiments and research related to developers and their utilization of developer tools and services. This aids in gaining valuable insights into user behavior and preferences.

How can users of GitHub Copilot Business control use of their data?

User Engagement Data, including pseudonymous identifiers and general usage data, is necessary for the use of GitHub Copilot and will continue to be collected, processed, and shared with Microsoft when you use GitHub Copilot.

GitHub Copilot Business does not retain any Prompts or Suggestions.

For more information about privacy for GitHub Copilot Business, see the "The GitHub Copilot Trust Center."

Further reading