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The REST API is now versioned. For more information, see "About API versioning."

使用 REST API 与 GitHub 源交互。

关于 GitHub 源

获取源终结点列出所有适用于经身份验证用户的源。 然后,可以通过向其中一个源 URL 发送请求来获取源。

默认情况下,时间线资源以 JSON 格式返回。 可以在 Accept 标头中指定 application/atom+xml 类型,以 Atom 格式返回时间线资源。


若要获取 Atom 格式的 GitHub 安全公告源:

curl -H "Accept: application/atom+xml"


HTTP/2 200
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="" 
  <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" 
  <title>GitHub Security Advisory Feed</title>
      <title type="html">[GHSA-abcd-12ab-23cd] Moderate 
      severity vulnerability that affects Octoapp</title>
        <category term="NPM"/>
      <content type="html">
        &lt;p&gt;Octoapp node module before 4.17.5 suffers 
        from a Modification of Assumed-Immutable Data (MAID) 
        vulnerability via defaultsDeep, merge, and mergeWith 
        functions, which allows a malicious user to modify 
        the prototype of &quot;Object&quot; via 
        &lt;strong&gt;proto&lt;/strong&gt;, causing the 
        addition or modification of an existing property 
        that will exist on all objects.&lt;/p&gt;
          &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Affected Packages&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

      &lt;dd&gt;Ecosystem: npm&lt;/dd&gt;
      &lt;dd&gt;Severity: moderate&lt;/dd&gt;
      &lt;dd&gt;Versions: &amp;lt; 4.17.5&lt;/dd&gt;
        &lt;dd&gt;Fixed in: 4.17.5&lt;/dd&gt;




Get feeds

Works with GitHub Apps

GitHub provides several timeline resources in Atom format. The Feeds API lists all the feeds available to the authenticated user:

  • Timeline: The GitHub global public timeline
  • User: The public timeline for any user, using URI template
  • Current user public: The public timeline for the authenticated user
  • Current user: The private timeline for the authenticated user
  • Current user actor: The private timeline for activity created by the authenticated user
  • Current user organizations: The private timeline for the organizations the authenticated user is a member of.
  • Security advisories: A collection of public announcements that provide information about security-related vulnerabilities in software on GitHub.

Note: Private feeds are only returned when authenticating via Basic Auth since current feed URIs use the older, non revocable auth tokens.

HTTP response status codes for "Get feeds"

Status codeDescription


Code samples for "Get feeds"

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \


Status: 200
{ "timeline_url": "", "user_url": "{user}", "current_user_public_url": "", "current_user_url": "", "current_user_actor_url": "", "current_user_organization_url": "", "current_user_organization_urls": [ "" ], "security_advisories_url": "", "_links": { "timeline": { "href": "", "type": "application/atom+xml" }, "user": { "href": "{user}", "type": "application/atom+xml" }, "current_user_public": { "href": "", "type": "application/atom+xml" }, "current_user": { "href": "", "type": "application/atom+xml" }, "current_user_actor": { "href": "", "type": "application/atom+xml" }, "current_user_organization": { "href": "", "type": "" }, "current_user_organizations": [ { "href": "", "type": "application/atom+xml" } ], "security_advisories": { "href": "", "type": "application/atom+xml" } } }